Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Carrot & Hummus Filo Rolls

Who doesn't love a hummus and carrot filled toasted pitta bread?... nobody just as I thought. It's a winnong combo and one that goes pretty darn well in some crispy pancake roll styley nibbles.

Veganoids love to party and these make excellent finger food to have with drinks, theyre also a lot lower in fat as we wont be using butter and deep frying, here's how you do it.

Step 1.
Grate up some lovely little carrots and mix them up with some of your favourite hummus (I personally love a caramelised onion variety from Sainsbury's) add some seasoning to taste.

Roll out a sheet of filo pastry (most filo pastries are Veganoid-friendly I used Jus-Roll which actually says suitable for Vegans & Vegetarians on the packet - you will find it in the freezers) and brush all over with olive oil.

Spoon the carrot mixture in a sausage shape at one end of the filo sheet, then fold over the top and bottom and brush along the folded edges with more oil.

Step 2.
Roll the little blighters up nice and tightly.

Step 3.
Put onto a baking sheet lined with parchment brush with oil and top with herbs of your choice, I chose a little parsley but mint is also nice.

Step 4.
Cook in a preheated oven at 180C for about 10 mins until they are crispy and golden.

Then allow to cool and devour with a glass of something brilliant. 

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